Friday 7 June 2013

By popular request - trip schedule and even a map!!!

Well, the assignment is done.

Whew!  Who knew that Hart, Dworkin, Wendell Holmes, Llewellyn and Frank could actually be interesting.  Thanks to the lecturer who set a juicy topic about circumcision of children in Germany.  Now, there should be no more sleepless nights, it is submitted and I can't change it now, so just have to forget about it!

Three more days work (including tax returns - oh well, when they are done, they are done!).  Last minute finalisation of arrangements last night, we now have accommodation booked for end of trip as well as the start of the trip.

By popular demand, I have added information on the itinerary and ... ta da... managed to create a map.  Depending on wifi access on the trip, I hope to be able to update the map.

Leave Turangi on evening of Wednesday June 12th.  Arrive Las Vegas evening of Wednesday 12th June.  Three days in Las Vegas - highlights are three shows - 'Love' the Beatles Cirque de Soleil show, the new Cirque de Soleil Michael Jackson Music show, and 'American Idiot' - the Broadway musical based on Green Day's music that is in town for a week.

Then up to Anacortes to stay with our friends Dave and Kay Smith for a few days, and then a cycle trip to an Island with them to test things out.  Then we are on our own, cycling to Friday Island, then to Vancouver Island (Canada), down to Washington State by ferry.  Then the wilderness starts, with cycling on the Olympic Discovery Trail in the National Park, ending 2 days later in Forks, which is the vampire country.  This is where the Twilight Series is set.

Further wilderness in the Olympic National Park, around the bottom of the park and after 11 days on the bikes, ending up in Seattle. Three days to break down bikes, finish shopping and then back to reality.

Map of trip  here is the link if this map doesn't show on your blog

View Carey and Peter 2013 US Trip in a larger map


  1. Wow great ride. Will you have to watch out for bears?

  2. Maybe bears, fortunately Peter has much experience with bears and protecting food based on his time in Alaska. But high probablility we will have raccoons investigating in the campgrounds. Had a raccoon in the middle of the night when we did our Halifax to Nantucket trip a couple of years ago, Peter is great at making a lot of noise and scaring them away.

    Trick is to put the food inside the tent, not under the fly, or just eat it all!!!
